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How Are Unemployment and Mental Health Related?

image of businessman carrying box through office after clearing out his desk and discovering how unemployment and mental health are related.

Having a job and progressing in a career affords a person far more than just steady paychecks on which they can rely, provide for their family, and save for the future. Employment comes with peace of mind. Sadly, the opposite is also true. Unemployment and mental health are intricately linked. This is because losing a job isn’t only a problem because of personal finances and bank account balances. The full effects of being unemployed can also lead to serious mental health concerns. To better understand the connection between unemployment and mental health, contact the caring professionals at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek by calling 866.693.3871 today to learn how mental health treatment can play a pivotal role in helping you get through the hard times.

How Are Unemployment and Mental Health Linked?

When individuals are unemployed for extended periods of time, the impact of unemployment and mental health can become more severe and even develop into mental health disorders. This is because unemployment can be an emotional rollercoaster. You may be eager and hopeful in seeking a new job, but this can quickly turn into sadness and anger. Unemployment and mental health are linked in the following ways.

Loss of Purpose

Unemployment can have many adverse mental health effects on people. One of which is a feeling of a loss of purpose. While passions and interests make life more colorful and fun, jobs and careers often give life meaning. Gainful employment allows some people to feel productive and valuable as contributing members of their community and in society at large. Conversely, when people lose their jobs and enter a period of unemployment, they may also lose this sense of purpose. Until they can find a new job, they may feel useless or feel as though there is an emptiness in their lives. These feelings are sometimes precursors to the development of depression.


Depression is common with unemployment, and it is easy to see why. The initial effects of losing a job can leave you feeling sad and upset, but over time, a sense of dread and hopelessness about finding another job may set in. That’s when depression can get worse. Thankfully, Americans who are unemployed are twice as likely to enter into a mental health treatment program to address their depression during these delicate times.


Every person will define success differently, but still, for many, work is how success is achieved. Without a job, an individual may feel like a failure for no longer being able to provide for their family, take a vacation, or save for the future. This could lead some people to self-doubt and insecurity. The longer you go without finding a new job, the worse the blow to your confidence and the more you may feel insecure about your future.


Unemployment can cause extreme anxiety. Usually, this is tied to money, as a person’s finances take a hit after the loss of a job loss. Over time, the stress and anxiety of unemployment and mental health could escalate and require professional treatment.


Unemployment and mental health will cause people to worry, feel insecure, lose their purpose, and start to feel depressed. But one of the scariest impacts of job loss is the anger and instability that comes from being unable to earn, work, and provide for loved ones. The frustration of being unable to find a job can make people angry, irritable, and even violent.

Losing a job can impact your mental health and behavior, but unemployment and mental health may also extend to your spouse and family. Your family may also feel:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Hopelessness

This is especially true if the effects of losing your job have been dramatic and noticeable for your family. Without professional mental health treatment, unemployment could cause rifts in your family that are hard to heal.

Learn More at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek

The impact of unemployment and mental health can be scary and overwhelming for you and your family. Reach out to Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek today by using our secure online form or call us at 866.693.3871 to learn how we help our clients feel like themselves again and move forward with their lives in a healthy way.