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What Is the Link Between Unemployment and Alcoholism?

therapist consoling distraught young man who wants to know what is the link between unemployment and alcoholism

People struggling with alcoholism are battling both a dangerous addiction as well as the financial pain of keeping the tap turned on. Unemployment and alcoholism are a one-two punch that can trap people in a cycle of addiction, shame, and embarrassment. This is because alcohol abuse will often affect the ways in which a person functions, performs at work, and acts at home. Our caring professionals understand the correlation between unemployment and alcoholism. Contact us today at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek online or call 866.693.3871 to learn how addiction treatment can help you get sober and get back to work.

The Connection Between Unemployment and Alcoholism

With the amount of stress and pressure in society today, more individuals are turning to alcohol as an escape and a way of coping with things they don’t currently possess the tools to handle through healthy means. Unfortunately for some people, this will become out of control, leading to job losses. At the same time, economic downturns and the struggle to find work can foster new addictions and alcohol abuse.

The stress of losing a job is one of the causes of alcoholism; conversely, an active addiction to alcohol could cause a person to lose their job. The correlation between unemployment and alcohol couldn’t be clearer as there is a continuous cycle that requires professional care, treatment, therapy, and rehab to overcome and find your way to sobriety.

Unemployment and Alcohol

When it comes to unemployment and alcoholism, the two are linked in two distinct ways. First, unemployment can act as a driving force of addiction for many people. This is especially true when unable to pay bills and provide for your family in the ways you once could or feel you should still be doing. Lack of employment can be embarrassing and stressful, leaving a person without a sense of purpose. Sadly, these factors can be so overbearing that alcohol becomes a viable coping method. For people with a latent addiction, this increase in alcohol use can be tragic. Over time, a few drinks a day may turn into alcoholism. This harmful way of coping is also responsible for:

  • Furthering the financial stress on a person and their family
  • Damaging relationships with friends, family, and co-workers
  • Increasing physical and mental health problems
  • Making it harder to find a job

The first step to overcoming an addiction is often the hardest, but it is the most important. Along with you, our caring team will work hard to ensure a lifelong recovery is possible. Transitioning from alcoholism to sober living can be achieved when you are in the care of a professional addiction treatment center with years of experience in helping to usher people just like you through unemployment and alcohol abuse and into a better place that involves a new job, a renewed sense of purpose, a toolbox full of healthy ways to cope with stress, and a sober lifestyle.

Alcoholism occurs not only in the unemployed, but unemployment and alcohol use are also connected. Alcoholism can be a factor causing people to lose their jobs and have their once-promising careers upended.

Although an addiction to alcohol may not always be noticeable, alcoholism will eventually reveal itself. Your body will begin to deteriorate, and your mind will gradually lose its ability to process information quickly and correctly. Additionally, your priorities will be jumbled and reorganized as you dedicate more time and mental energy to thinking about how, when, and where you will have your next drink. These changes can eventually prevent you from fulfilling your responsibilities at work. Here, the second link between unemployment and alcohol abuse becomes clear. You may be at risk of losing your home and causing severe damage to the people you love most—those who depend on you and your job to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

Learn More at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek

Alcoholism is a heartbreaking disease. Not only are unemployment and alcohol abuse tied together, but there are other ways alcohol use can affect a person. Anyone is susceptible to an addiction, but thankfully, help is never more than a phone call or an email away. If you feel that you or a loved one is struggling with unemployment and alcoholism, contact us at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek today using our secure online form or call 866.693.3871.